Page 4 - Edgewood Vantage Brochure
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approach with top-tier industry marketing part- rent comparability studies for a wide range of PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
ners to develop strategies tailored for each of properties including Section 8, RAP, AAF, PRAC
our communities. Our multi-channel approach and 202 contracts.
optimizes numerous networks and touchpoints
to reach the target market and maximize ROI. UTILITY MANAGEMENT
Key marketing tools include: Edgewood focuses on efficiency, sustainability
- SWOT analysis and market survey and cost saving by delivering competitive
- Website and SEO management pricing and innovative, customized energy
- Social media and online reputation strategy management solutions. We buy a significant
amount of electricity and gas on the deregulated
- Branded messaging and collateral
open market to provide clients with budget and
price stability. We utilize a nationally recognized
RISK MANAGEMENT & SAFETY SERVICES energy management company for bill payment
Our experienced team assists with safety and consumption tracking. Edgewood
policies and procedures, manages any risk manages a number of RUBS and sub-metered
that has the potential to negatively impact a utilities across our portfolio and also a water
property’s residents and employees, and works conservation program with low flow shower
in collaboration with our insurance partners to heads and aerators and more efficient toilets.
ensure proper and timely responses to claims.
Claim investigation includes thorough accident We are experienced renovation consultants
investigation and claim management in order to and have overseen successful energy-saving
reduce the total cost of risk.
conversions. Our team works with water
conservation, lighting efficiency, HVAC controls
HUD and recycling. We seek out rebates from
Recognized as one of the nation’s premier various utilities, as well as both state and federal
managers of affordable housing, Edgewood agencies. We have received a substantial amount
has a deep understanding of HUD and Tax of state funding for capital replacement items
Credit requirements and a strong working such as efficient HVAC equipment, thermostats,
relationship with HUD field offices and Contract weather-stripping, pipe wraps, roof insulation
Administrators in the jurisdictions in which we and air/duct sealing. We also manage a number
work. We manage the renewal process on over of properties with rooftop solar and some with
100 HAP contracts. This includes utility analyses, geothermal heat pump installations.
rent increases, HUD Handbook Options, and
9711 Washingtonian Boulevard, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
301-562-1600 //