Page 6 - Edgewood Vantage Brochure
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Edgewood’s Compliance Department is COMPLIANCE
responsible for regulatory compliance
with all Federal programs, including:
- Section 142(d) Tax Exempt Bond
- Section 8
- Section 8-RAD
Edgewood takes great pride in providing expert - Section 236
compliance services to conventional, tax-credit
and federally-assisted properties. Decades of - Section 221(d)(3)
experience serving a variety of properties has - Section 221(d)(4)
enabled us to cultivate one of the best and most - Section 223(a)(7)
recognized compliance programs in the industry. - Section 202
Our experienced Compliance Department - HOME
implements stringent procedures, conducts - Section 42 Low Income Housing
ongoing training programs and provides innovative Tax Credit
solutions to complex regulatory issues.
- Rural Housing
In order to meet the strict criteria of compliance, - Public Housing
Edgewood created a full Tax Credit Compliance
Program that provides extensive, ongoing
training to team members on tax credit rules and
policies. All onsite team members are required Our Compliance Specialists perform regular
to achieve a minimum of one of the accredited testing of initial certifications and annual re-
industry designations below: certifications for all the core programs. Reviews
are completed utilizing our electronic Document
- Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP) Management system to expedite the process
designation from the National Association of and ensure occupancy goals are met. Additionally,
Home Builders (NAHB) Compliance Specialists travel to properties to
perform onsite file reviews, pre-audit inspections,
- Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) MOR preparation and one-on-one training.
designation from the National Assisted Housing
Management Association (NAHMA) We alert our team throughout the year about
regulatory and policy chances, and post updates
- Specialist in Housing Credit Management on our corporate intranet. This provides invaluable
(SHCM) designation from NAHMA resources to assist our team members in doing
the best job possible. We are dedicated to
exhibiting the professionalism and knowledge
our communities deserve.
9711 Washingtonian Boulevard, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
301-562-1600 //