Page 262 - Ministry of Economy - December2017
P. 262

12/26/2017                           UAE stresses importance of multilateral trading system | Sharjah24

                        UAE stresses importance of multilateral

                                                                                   trading system

                                                                               Tuesday 12, December 2017 in 9:15 PM

                Sharjah 24        AM: Abdullah Al Saleh, Under       -Secretar  y of the Ministr  y of Economy for
                Foreign T rade and Industr    y Affairs, has highlighted the UAE      s view that the multilater    al
           trading system has played, and still plays, an important role in opening borders to facilitate
                                .international tr  ade and investment, as part of a system based on its rules

        During the UAE’s speech that he gave on Monday at the 11th Ministerial Conference, MC11, of the World Trade Organisation
        WTO, held in the Argentinian capital, Buenos Aires, from  10th to 13th Decemb er, he added that this system  should provide a

                      .trusted and solid me chanism  to settle trading disputes while stressing the countr y’s commi  tme nt to the WTO

         He explained that all efforts mu st continue to place a developme nt dime nsion to the core programme   for negotiations while

                    .pointing out that without this dime nsion, the WTO will not be able to realise ma ny goals enlisted on its agenda

               Al Saleh noted that MC11 mu st become  a platform  to preser ve the mo me ntum  of the WTO’s current successes while

                                              .providing a realistic forum  to agree on the topics discussed during the conference
       With regard to the UAE’s position on certain issues, Al Saleh said that the UAE supports securing reser ves of food supplies and
       widening the scope of the "Bali Package" to include all developing countries in the WTO while clarifying that this position will
                 promo te wider discussions on related policies and guarantee that the programme   will not undermi ne local support

          As for export restrictions, he stressed that the UAE calls for greater transparency in the area of agricultural export limi ts and

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