Page 266 - Ministry of Economy - December2017
P. 266
12/26/2017 UAE official stresses importance of multilateral trading system | ZAWYA MENA Edition
Al Saleh noted that MC11 must become a platform to preserve the momentum of the
WTO’s current successes while providing a realistic forum to agree on the topics discussed
during the conference.
With regard to the UAE’s position on certain issues, Al Saleh said that the UAE supports
securing reserves of food supplies and widening the scope of the "Bali Package" to include
all developing countries in the WTO while clarifying that this position will promote wider
discussions on related policies and guarantee that the programme will not undermine local
support specialties.
As for export restrictions, he stressed that the UAE calls for greater transparency in the
area of agricultural export limits and restrictions.
Regarding fisheries, Al Saleh affirmed the need to provide a political space for developing
countries to develop their fisheries sector and promote sustainable fishing.
With regard to the "Non-Agricultural Market Access, NAMA," negotiations, he mentioned
that in the country’s view, the conference must produce a realistic agreement, to place a
work programme to continue further related reforms. 2/3