Page 263 - Ministry of Economy - December2017
P. 263
12/26/2017 UAE stresses importance of multilateral trading system | Sharjah24
Regarding fisheries, Al Saleh affirme d the need to provide a political space for developing countries to develop their fisheries
.sector and promo te sustainable fishing
With regard to the "Non-Agricultural Market Access, NAMA ," negotiations, he me ntioned that in the countr y’s view, the
.conference mu st produce a realistic agreeme nt, to place a work programme to continue further related reforms
Regarding the ser vices sector, Al Saleh clarified the UAE’s position that the level of trade liberalisation in this sector mu st be
.decided by individual governme nts, according to the appropriate level of developme nt of their countries
Regarding the negotiations on internal systems , he highlighted the countr y’s view that developing me mb er countries mu st
.retain their right to establish a system that comp lies with the goals of their developme nt policies
The UAE is optimi stic about the opportunities to advance the negotiations on related regulations, with regard to facilitating“
.trade in the ser vices sector,” he said
Regarding electronic trade and facilitating investme nts, Al Saleh believed that the UAE cannot currently enter relevant
discussions or negotiations, but priorit y mu st be given to specify the topics and issues that should be covered. The UAE
supports the widening of the range of current policies on electronic trade, including waiving customs fees on electronic
.conversions, he said in conclusion
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