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participate in activities such as  walking, picnicking,  rest and reflection. These activities may reduce
                    everyday stress and help maintain proper physical and mental health and well-being. Well-designed and
                    properly located public general use outdoor recreation sites provide a sense of community and bring
                    people together for social, cultural and recreation activities; thus contributing to the desirability and
                    stability of residential neighborhoods.

                        1.  The public sector should provide general  use outdoor recreation sites sufficient in size and
                            number to meet the recreation demands of the resident population.
                        2.  The general use recreation sites should contain the natural resource or man-made amenities
                            appropriate for the recreation activities.
                        3.  The general  use recreation sites should be spatially distributed  to  provide equal and ready
                            access to the resident population.

                        4.  Public general use outdoor recreation sites should include, to the maximum extent possible,
                            portions of the planned primary environmental corridors of the County in order to provide an
                            attractive natural setting for recreation enjoyment and educational enlightenment. Recreational
                            facilities should be carefully located and designed to protect and preserve such environmentally
                            sensitive areas as wetlands, natural areas, and high value wildlife areas.

                        5.  The Waukesha County Park System Park Classifications Guidelines for County Park Facilities
                            should be met (See Page 6).

                    Principle – Recreation Related Open Space
                    Effective satisfaction of recreation demands within the County  cannot be accomplished solely by
                    providing public general use outdoor recreation sites. Certain recreational pursuits such as hiking, biking,
                    pleasure driving, and ski touring are best provided through a system of recreation corridors located
                    adjacent to linear resource–oriented open space lands. A well-designed system of recreation corridors
                    offered as an integral part of linear open space land also can serve to connect existing and proposed
                    public parks physically, thus forming a truly integrated park and recreation related open space system.
                    Such open space lands satisfy the human need for natural surroundings, serve to protect the natural
                    resource base, and ensure that many scenic areas of natural, cultural, or historic interest assume their
                    proper place as form determinants for both existing and future land use patterns.

                        1.  The public sector should provide sufficient open space lands to accommodate a system  of
                            resource-oriented recreation corridors to  meet  the residential demand for extensive  trail-
                            oriented activities.
                        2.  Resource-oriented recreation corridors should maximize the use of:
                            a)  Primary environmental corridors and secondary environmental corridors as locations for
                               trail-oriented recreation activities provided that environmentally sensitive resources are
                            b)  Outdoor recreation facilities provided at existing parks.
                            c)  Existing recreation trail facilities within the County.
                        3.  Resource-oriented recreation corridors should effectively connect park system components,
                            community public facilities,  destinations,  cultural sites and historic sites together to form a
                            continuous park environment.
                        4.  The Waukesha County Park System Greenway Corridor Cross-Section and Standards should be
                            met (See Figure A-1).

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