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              As part of the original regional park and open space planning program developed in 1977 by the Southeastern
              Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), the Regional Planning Commission Technical and Citizen
              Advisory Committee on  Regional  Park and  Open Space Planning  formulated a set of park and  open  space
              preservation, acquisition, and development goals. These goals were the result of comparing standards developed
              by the National Recreation and Parks Association with the recreational preferences and demands of the region as
              determined  by  surveys  of  park  and  recreation  professionals  and  citizens.  The standards  were  modified  as
              necessary to meet the park and open space demands of the region and the resulting goals were as follows:

                           Goals of the Park and Open Space Planning Process

                  1.  To create guidelines  for the acquisition, preservation,  development, operation and
                     maintenance of the Waukesha County Park System lands and facilities.
                  2.  To incorporate, detail and modify regional park and open space objectives, principles and
                     standards to reflect Waukesha County park and open space planning efforts.

                  3.  To comply with State and Federal outdoor recreation grant eligibility planning requirements
                     to make the County eligible to apply for and receive available State and Federal funds to assist
                     in the acquisition and development of recommended park and open space sites and facilities.

                  4.  To initiate a process to coordinate park and open space planning in Waukesha County with all
                     stakeholders—local  units of government, State of Wisconsin, non-profit conservation
                     organizations (NCO’s) and  the Southeastern  Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
                     (SEWRPC)—in order to provide an integrated system of public general use outdoor recreation
                     sites  that  will afford the resident population  of  the County adequate opportunities to
                     participate in a wide range of outdoor recreation and education activities.

                  5.  To define roles and responsibilities of Waukesha County, local units of government, State of
                     Wisconsin and NCO’s in the plan implementation.
                  6.  To establish consistent communication of the park and open space elements to the citizens
                     and development community of Waukesha County.


              The terms “objective,” “principle,” “standard,” and “plan,” are subject to a range of interpretations. Under

              the regional planning program, these terms have been defined as follows:

                  1.  Objective: a goal or end toward the attainment of which plans and policies are directed.
                  2.  Principle: a fundamental, primary, or generally accepted tenet used to assert the validity of
                      objectives and prepare standards and plans.
                  3.  Standard: a criterion used as a basis of comparison to determine the adequacy of alternative
                      and recommended plan proposals to attain objectives.
                  4.  Plan: a design that seeks to achieve agreed-upon objectives.
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