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Waukesha County Regional Parks:
                         •  Developed Regional Parks:  Fox Brook Park, Fox River Park, Mukwonago Park, Muskego
                            Park, Minooka Park, Menomonee Park, Nashotah Park, Naga-Waukee Park
                         •  Undeveloped Regional Parks:  Ashippun Park, Eble Park, Fox Bend Park, Monches Park,
                            Ryan Park, Smith Park

              B.  Regional Greenways

                  Greenways are a system of corridors along the County’s major rivers and streams that will protect the
                  high quality natural resource based elements, guide urban growth, connect major state, county, and
                  local parkland along with other community social and cultural amenities and provide recreational and
                  educational opportunities for the use and enjoyment by present and future generations.

                  Site Selection Criteria:
                         •  Sites should preserve wetlands, A-rated vegetation, slopes greater than 20%, natural
                            areas  of statewide significance, critical species habitat, class I wildlife habitat, and
                            water quality. These areas comprise the preservation zone of the greenway corridor.
                         •  Sites should contain land to provide a buffer between residential land, commercial land
                            or agriculture land and the preservation corridor zone.
                         •  Sites should provide non-motorized trail opportunities within the greenway corridor
                            and visual buffering from adjacent property owners.
                         •  The regional trail & greenway trail corridor shall serve as the spine for the countywide
                            trail system connecting regional parks and local trail systems.
                  Proposed Greenways:

                  Ashippun River, Bark River, Fox River, Mill Creek, Mukwonago River, Oconomowoc River, Pebble
                  Brook, Pebble Creek, Pewaukee River, Scuppernong Creek and Spring Brook Creek.

              C.  Conservancy Area

                  Conservancies are areas designated for the purpose of restoring or  maintaining significant native
                  wildlife or plant species. Development is limited for educational and restoration purposes. These areas
                  may be included within Regional Parks or Regional Greenways or they may be unique natural areas.
                  Intrusion by people is permitted on a limited basis for scientific investigation, education instruction or
                  observation. They are intact areas providing habitat that act as reservoirs for species of special concern
                  and interest. Conservancies must be protected from any unwarranted effects of human activity resulting
                  from recreational use, but may require occasional management activities.

                  Site Selection Criteria:
                         •  A delineated portion of  a park  or greenway for  which a unique  stewardship or
                            management plan will be developed; or
                         •  A unique parkland unit  serving the goals  of  a Conservancy Area, benefiting  from
                            management under a specific stewardship plan.

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