P. 107

108        The Armenian Church

                                             The  Armenian  Church  has  seven  sac-
                                          raments  (xorhurd):  baptism,  confirmation
                                          (chrismation),  repentance,  Holy  Eucharist,
                                          holy  orders,  marriage  (holy  matrimony),
                                          and the anointing of the sick. In order to be
                                          valid, a sacrament should fulfill three basic
                                          conditions:  a)  matter:  physical  actions  and
                                          material to be used during the performance
                                          of a sacrament; b) form: prayers, hymns and
                                          biblical  readings;  c)  minister:  to  whom  the
                                          church  gives  the  authority  and  the  task
                                          through ordination and consecration to per-
                                          form a sacrament.

                                             Baptism (mkrtut‘iwn) is the first sacrament
                                          received by a Christian. It is ministered by a
                                          priest  or  bishop.  In  an  emergency,  baptism
                                          can  be  performed  by  a  deacon  or,  if  neces-
                                          sary, by any Christian. The infant must have
                                          a  godfather,  who  should  be  a  mature  male
                                          member  of  the  Armenian  Church;  the  god-
                                          father  assumes  responsibility  for  the  Chris-
                                          tian education and formation of the baptized.
                                             The ceremony starts with the participants
                                          standing  in  the  middle  of  the  church  and
                                          facing  the  door,  which  symbolizes  the  re-
                                          nouncing of the devil. Confession is said, the
                                          last  chapter  of  the  Gospel  of  St.  Matthew
                                          (28:16-20)  is  read,  and  the  condensed  form
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