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132        The Armenian Church

                                          must be blessed by the celebrant prior to each
                                          eucharistic  celebration.  Embroidered  textiles
                                          are generally used as altar curtains, and as a
                                          covering for the chalice, cross, and table.
                                             The  veghar  (vełar),  the  cowl  used  by
                                          celibate clergy of all ranks, is a uniquely Ar-
                                          menian vestment. The veghar was employed
                                          in ancient times during the Holy Mass. Pres-
                                          ently  it  is  confined  to  church  services  and
                                          special  events.  During  church  services,  the
                                          clergy  wears  a  black  gown  (verarku) and  a
                                          phelonion  (p‘ilon)  over  it;  bishops  wear  a
                                          violet phelonion. In public, all the clergy wear
                                          cassocks (paregot) and headgear (p‘akeł).

                                          Liturgical Vessels
                                             Liturgical  vessels  (cisakan  or  ekełec‘agan
                                          spasner) are widely used in the liturgical and
                                          sacramental  life  of  the  Armenian  Church.
                                          Liturgical vessels are made by iron, bronze,
                                          copper, silver, and gold, and include precious
                                          stones.  Most  of  the  vessels  are  related  to
                                          biblical events.
                                             The Cross (xač‘), which comes in a variety
                                          of  forms,  styles,  and  sizes,  is  the  central
                                          element  in  the  spiritual  culture  of  the  Ar-
                                          menian  Church.  The  following  vessels  are
                                          common  in  the  Church:  the  basin  (konk‘)
                                          and  the  ewer  (p‘arč‘) are  used  for  washing
                                          the celebrant's hands during the liturgy; the
                                          chalice (skih) is a cup in which the bread and
                                          wine are consecrated for the Holy Commun-
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