P. 136

Rich Spirituality       137

                                          built of stone and in ancient times they were
                                          usually built on the tops of mountains.
                                             In  an  Armenian  church,  the  altar  faces
                                          east  and  it  is  raised  around  a  meter  above
                                          the  general  level  of  the  church.  Some
                                          churches  also have  small  side altars,  which
                                          have  no  liturgical  function.  The  chalice,
                                          which is kept in the porch on the north side
                                          of the main  altar, is  covered  with a veil. A
                                          silver-bound copy of the Gospel is placed in
                                          the middle of the altar before a big cross. A
                                          piece  of  the  Holy  Communion  is  always
                                          kept in a tabernacle on the altar. Above the
                                          altar  hangs  a  picture  of  the  Virgin  Mary
                                          with the newly born Jesus at her bosom. No
                                          one is allowed to enter the sanctuary, except
                                          those  ordained,  who  wear  slippers  that  are
                                          used only in church. The choir stands at the
                                          center  of  the  church  (in  some  newly  built
                                          churches  on  the  balcony  facing  the  altar),
                                          close to the altar.
                                             The  nave  is  reserved  for  the  congrega-
                                          tion.  In  the  older  churches  there  were  no
                                          pews,  and  the  faithful  sat  cross-legged  on
                                          the floor, men on the right side of the nave,
                                          women  on  the  left.  This  oriental  tradition
                                          does  not  exist  anymore.  The  vestry  and
                                          sacristy  are  on  either  side  of  the  altar.  The
                                          baptismal font is located either on the right
                                          side of the altar or in the sacristy. A church
                                          should also contain a throne on the right side
                                          for the diocesan primate. The old Armenian
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