P. 17
18 The Armenian Church
'bridge' church between the Catholic and
Protestant churches (see Appendix A for the
major divisions of Christianity).
B) The Armenian Church is known by a
number of different names: a) Hayastaneac‘
Ekełec‘i (see Appendix B for the translitera-
tion of the Armenian words), the original
name used for the Armenian Church, mean-
ing either the church of the people living in
Armenia or simply the church of Armenia;
b) Holy, Apostolic, Catholic, Orthodox Armenian
Church (Hayastaneac‘ Arak‘elakan, Ondhan-
rakan ew Ułap‘ar Sourb Ekełec‘i). This title
incorporates the basic marks of the church
and is used on official occasions; c) Armenian
Gregorian Church (Hay Lusaworč‘akan Eke-
łec‘i) has been mainly used by the Armenian
Catholic Church to question the apostolicity
of the Armenian Orthodox Church. The same
expression has also been used by the faithful
of the Armenian Church to emphasize the
pivotal role of St. Gregory the Illuminator
in the Christianization of Armenia; d) Ar-
menian Apostolic Church (Hay Arak‘elakan
Ekełec‘i) is commonly used to emphasize the
Armenian Church's apostolic origin; e) Ar-
menian Church (Hay Ekełec‘i) or Church of the
Armenians (Hayoc‘ Ekełec‘i) are widely used
by the Armenian people in their daily life;
f) Armenian Orthodox Church (Hay Ułap‘ar
Ekełec‘i) is used mainly within the frame-