P. 200

People's Church         201

                                             Today, in the face of constantly changing
                                          historical conditions and emerging realities,
                                          the  Armenian  Church  is  working  tirelessly
                                          to  preserve  national  unity.  The  Republic  of
                                          Armenia  is  still  in  a  process  of  transfor-
                                          mation  following  the  long  period  of  Soviet
                                          rule  and  is  facing  tremendous  challenges.
                                          The  diaspora  displays  a  picture  of  frag-
                                          mented  and  diverse  communities,  exposed
                                          to  a  multitude  of  problems.  Furthermore,
                                          Armenians  from  the Middle  East  and  from
                                          Armenia and the former Soviet countries are
                                          leaving  for  the  west  in  droves.  Hence,  the
                                          Church is, more  than ever,  regarded as the
                                          symbol  of  the  nation's  unity  and  the  point
                                          around  which  the  whole  life  of  the  com-
                                          munity revolves and converges, particularly
                                          in  the  diaspora.  The  Armenian  Church  is
                                          called to safeguard the internal coherence of
                                          the  nation  and  to  act  as  a  bridge  between
                                          Armenia and the diaspora, and between the
                                          communities in diaspora.

                                          The leadership role of the Church
                                             The  Armenian  Church's  missionary  self-
                                          understanding and involvement was strongly
                                          affected  by  the  history  of  its  people.  After  a
                                          short  period  of  missionary  outreach  at  the
                                          very  beginning  of  Armenia's  conversion  to
                                          Christianity, the Church focused its mission
                                          mainly  on  the  internal  national  life  of  the
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