Page 128 - GRC-BOOK-NEW2
P. 128
gCg assessment
A.3 (Hak Untuk Berpartisipasi Secara Efektif Dan Menggunakan Suara Dalam
RUPS Serta Hak Untuk Mendapatkan Informasi Mengenai Aturan-Aturan Yang
Berlaku Dalam RUPS (Termasuk Prosedur Voting))
“Yes” or “No” Distribusi Frekuensi Jawaban
No Pertanyaan Pertanyaan SKOR
or “N/A” Answer Untuk Perusahaan Tbk
A.3.1 Do shareholders have the Yes 1 Default answer Yes
opportunity, evidenced
by an agenda items, to
approve remuneration (fees,
allowances, benefit-in-kind
and other emoluments) or any
increases in remuneration for
the non-executive directors/
A.3.2 Does the company provide non- Yes 1 Default answer Yes
controlling shareholders a right to
nominate candidates for board of
A.3.3 Does the company allow Yes 1 Default answer Yes
shareholders to elect directors/
commissioners individually?
A.3.4 Does the company disclose Yes 1 Yes: 51 perusahaan No:
the voting and vote tabulation 49perusahaan
procedures used, declaring both
before the meeting proceeds?
A.3.5 Do the minutes of the most Yes 1 Yes: 63 perusahaan No: 37
recent AGM record that there perusahaan
was an opportunity allowing for
shareholders to ask questions or
raise issues?
A.3.6 Do the minutes of the most No 0 Yes: 32 perusahaan No: 68
recent AGM record questions and perusahaan
A.3.7 Does the disclosure of the outcome Yes 1 Yes: 79 perusahaan No: 21
of the most recent AGM include perusahaan
102 The Fundamentals of GRC