Page 129 - GRC-BOOK-NEW2
P. 129
gCg assessment
A.3 (Hak Untuk Berpartisipasi Secara Efektif Dan Menggunakan Suara Dalam
RUPS Serta Hak Untuk Mendapatkan Informasi Mengenai Aturan-Aturan Yang
Berlaku Dalam RUPS (Termasuk Prosedur Voting))
“Yes” or “No” Distribusi Frekuensi Jawaban
No Pertanyaan Pertanyaan SKOR
or “N/A” Answer Untuk Perusahaan Tbk
A.3.8 Does the company disclose the Yes 1 Yes: 66 perusahaan No: 34
voting results including approving, perusahaan
dissenting, and abstaining votes
for each agenda pertanyaan for the
most recent AGM?
A.3.9 Does the company disclose the list Yes 1 Yes: 67 perusahaan No: 33
of board members who attended perusahaan
the most recent AGM?
A.3.10 Did the chairman of the board of No 0 Yes: 57 perusahaan No: 43
directors/commissioners attend perusahaan
the most recent AGM?
A.3.11 Did the CEO/Managing Director/ Yes 1 Yes: 53 perusahaan No: 37
President attend the most recent perusahaan
A.3.12 Did the chairman of the Audit No 0 Yes: 57 perusahaan No: 43
Committee attend the most recent perusahaan
A.3.13 Did the company organise their Yes 1 Default answer Yes
most recent AGM in an easy to
reach location?
A.3.14 Does the company allow for voting Yes 1 Default answer Yes
in absentia?
A.3.15 Did the company vote by poll (as No 0 Yes: 15 perusahaan No: 85
opposed to by show of hands) for perusahaan
all resolutions at the most recent
A.3.16 Does the company disclose that Yes 1 Yes: 18 perusahaan No: 82
it has appointed an independent perusahaan
party (scrutineers/inspectors) to
count and/or validate the votes at
the AGM?
The Fundamentals of GRC 103