Page 3 - THE PEARL Summer 2017 Precious Pearls
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Soror Marceia L.Ashe
Soror Marceia Ashe is a native Memphian who has been actively
involved in public education for 20 years. As Director of Quality
School Initiatives for the Tennessee Charter School Center, her
responsibilities include managing support services and resource
acquisition of charter schools statewide. She previously served as
Professional Development and Compliance Coach, Instructional
Supervisor, and Federal Programs Director for Memphis City Schools
and the Achievement School District. Marceia is a graduate of the
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a B.S. in Elementary
Education where she was initiated into the Zeta Kappa chapter of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on March 31,1996. She holds a dual
M.S. in Educational Leadership and Special Education from University
of Tennessee at Martin and Middle Tennessee State University.
Marceia is also a wife of 17 years and mother of two daughters, Maya
and Elayna.
Soror Cheryl V. Burton
Soror Cheryl V. Burton is a native of Ruleville, MS. In 1985, she
graduated from Drew High School in Drew, MS. She is a 1990 graduate
of University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), earning a Bachelor’s degree in
mathematics and later a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction. While
there, she pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha (Theta Psi Chapter) in the Fall of
1987 with 15 other ladies. She is a past member of Iota Delta Omega
Chapter in Clarksdale, MS. She has worked with Shelby County for over
25 years. Cheryl enjoys volunteering her services, sewing, cooking,
attending art events/musicals, and traveling. She is the proud Mother of
2 sons. Currently, she lives in Shelby County, TN.