Page 471 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 471

Order Passed Under Sec 7
                                                                        By Hon’ble NCLT Chandigarh Bench

                       to the respondent-Corporate Debtor and other Directors under Section 138 of the Negotiable
                       Instruments Act.

                   3.  Having  heard the learned counsel for  the  petitioner, the following  defects  were  noticed  vide
                       order dated 25.07.2017:-

                          (i)  The written communication in Form No.2 of the Rules as Annexure A-9 is furnished by
                              Mr.  Atanu  Mukherjeer  proposed  Interim  Resolution  Professional  but  the  learned
                              counsel  submits  that  this  certificate  expired  on  28.06.2017,  therefore,  fresh

                              communication in Form No,2 for proposing the Interim Resolution Professional has to
                              be filed with complete particulars,
                          (ii) The copy of the statement of account at Annexure A-8 has not been certified under the

                              Bankers Books Evidence Act, The fresh statement with the aforesaid certificate is to be

               Notice  of  these  defects  was  issued  to  the  itzi.rafA-eFoiasohiBrtlsD petitioner and  the  learned  counser
               accepted notice of these defects. It was directed that these defects be removed within seven days.

                   4.  At the same time, notice of this petition was also issued to the Corporate Debtor for today as to
                       why  this  petition  be  not  admitted_  The  petitioner  was  further  directed  to  file  affidavit  stating
                       compliance  along  with  original  postal  receipt  and  track  report  of  the  Post  Office.  Envelope

                       containing copy of petition along with Paper Book sent at the registered office of the Corporate
                       Debtor by Speed Post has been returned to the Tribunal with the report purportedly made by the
                       Postal Department that the addressee has left the address. The notice was sent at the address of

                       registered  office  of  the  company  as  shown  in  the  Master  Data  of  the  Corporate  Debtor  and,
                       therefore, it is the service of the notice of hearing. There is no representation from the respondent-

                       Corporate Debtor.

                   5.  During the course of hearing, learned counsel for the petitioner has handed over today the fresh

                       written  communication  dated  05.08.2017  of  the  proposed  Interim  Resolution  Professional,
                       namely Mr. Krishan Vrind Jain having Registration No, IBBI/IPA-01/2016-17/876. However, the
                       statement of accounts duly certified under the Bankers Books Evidence Act,1891 has not been

                       filed, Learned counsel for the petitioner seeks short time for filing the statement of accounts in
                       terms of directions vide order dated 25,07.2017 on the ground that this is to be received from
                       Mumbai Registered Office of the petitioner- company.

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