Page 474 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 474

Order Passed under Sec 7
               By Hon’ble NCLT Chandigarh Bench
                                     IN THE NATIONAL COMPANY LAW TRIBUNAL
                                                  CHANDIGARH BENCH

                                            C.P. (I.B.) No. 59/7/NCLT/CHD/PB/2017

                                                   Decided On: 30.08.2017

                                                 Applicant: Shekhar Bhandari
                                             Respondent: Tirupati Ceramics Ltd.

               Hon'ble Sh. R.P. Nagrath, Member Judicial.

               For  Appellant/Petitioner/Plaintiff:  Mr.  Ankit  Chawla,  Learned  Advocate  with  Mr.  Anshul  Chhabra,
               Parctising Company Secretary.

               For Respondents/Defendant: Mr. Manish Jain and Ms. Divya Sharma , Learned Advocates


               Hon'ble Sh. R.P. Nagrath, J. (Member (J))

                       Learned  counsel  for  petitioner  submits  that  there  are  certain  defects  in  the  petition  as  certain
               papers filed are not part of the case. Learned counsel for petitioner seeks and permitted to withdraw the

               instant petition with liberty to file fresh one on same cause of action, if so advised.

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