Page 472 - IBC Orders us 7-CA Mukesh Mohan
P. 472

Order Passed under Sec 7
               By Hon’ble NCLT Chandigarh Bench

                   6.  I  have  heard  the  learned  counsel  for  the  petitioner  and  perused  the  record  and  find  that  the
                       petitioner having not removed the above defect pointed out in the order dated 25.07.2017 within
                       the mandatory period of seven days, the petition is fit to be rejected. The principle of law on the

                       subject has been quite well settled by the Honble National Company Law Appellate Tribunal in
                       "Company Appeal (AT) No. 09 of 2017, ..11( Jute Mills Company Limited Vs. M/s Surendra

                       Trading Company", wherein it was held that the seven days' period for the rectification of the
                       defects as stipulated under the proviso to the relevant provisions of Sections 7, 8, or 9 is required
                       to be complied with by the Corporate Debtor, whose application otherwise being incomplete is fit

                       to be rejected. It was thus held that the provisos to the aforesaid sections to remove the defects
                       within seven days are mandatory and on failure to do so, the application is fit to be rejected,

                   7.  As  per  col.  I  of  Par  t-V  of  Form  No.  1  prescribed  under  the  Rules,  the  Financial  Creditor  is
                       supposed to file copies of the entries in a banker's book in accordance with the Bankers Books
                       Evidence Art, 1891. Despite the defect having been pointed out, the compliance has not been


                   8.  There are other factors which disentitle the petitioner to an order of admission. The first is that as
                       per  sub-rule  (2)  of  Rule  4  of  the  Rules,  the  copy  of  the  petition  filed  with  the  Adjudicating
                       Authority is to be sent by registered post or Speed Post at the registered office of the Corporate

                       Debtor. The Postal Receipt at page 327 of the Paper Book shows that it was addressed to Mr.
                       Sanjay Sinha and not to the Corporate Debtor itself though Mr. Sanjay in ha was authorised as
                       Managing Director of the Corporate Debtor for getting the credit facility from the petitioner bank.

                       I am of the view that when the petition under Section 7 of the Code is to be filed, ifs copy has to
                       be sent to the Corporate Debtor at its registered office.

                   9.  The second aspect is that the instant petition has been filed by the petitioner-Financial Creditor
                       under the signatures of Mr. Neeiesh Utturkar and the Chief Executive Officer of the Financial

                       Creditor has appointed Mr. Neelesh Utturkar as the Substitute Attorney for and on behalf of the
                       Petitioner-Financial Creditor. Mr. Neetesh Utturkar aforesaid has given the letter of authority in
                       favour of the Advocates through whom the instant petition has been filed authorising them to

                       make, file, sign, engage professionals and to do all such things, deeds and acts in connection with
                       the application to be filed before the National Company Law Tribunal under Section 7 of the

                       Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. This Power of Attorney is at Annexure A-6 but interestingly

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