Page 13 - Town of Bedford FY 2018-2019 Budget.pdf
P. 13

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               activities. The Town employees are to be commended for providing these services with very limited
               resources. I would also like to express the  Town’s appreciation to those service groups who have
               stepped up to help provide certain services for  our residents. I  want  to commend the Town’s
               department heads for the hours they spent in developing and refining their budget requests for the
               upcoming budget  year.   While there has been  much debate  over  what items  would ultimately be
               adopted, the  overriding concern of all the department heads was that our citizens receive the best
               possible service from  their Town.  I want to  offer  special thanks to Sonia Jammes, Assistant Town
               Manager, and the Town’s Finance Staff, for their hard work and diligence during this annual exercise.

               Thank you for all your  efforts  to see that  our community  truly is “the world’s best little  town.”  I
               appreciate your leadership and your support.


               Barrett F. Warner
               Town Manager

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