Page 17 - Town of Bedford FY 2018-2019 Budget.pdf
P. 17

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               work in minutes for workers age 16 years and up is 19.8.  The median household income is $39,701 as
               represented by the Census Bureau (V2016).  The percent of persons reported living in poverty is 21.50%.

               Work Force
               Work Force
               The Town of Bedford is located in between the cities of Lynchburg and Roanoke connected by US Route T
               Th         f B df d i l   t d i b t     th  iti   f L  hb      d R    k        t d b US R   t
               460, a four lane divided highway. Consequently, Bedford is a daily commute from both metropolitan
               areas opening up the town to a potential labor force of approximately 500,000 workers.
                   ¾ A satellite campus of the Central Virginia Community College (CVCC) is located at The Bedford
                       Center for Business. Both CVCC and Virginia Western Community College located in Roanoke
                       provide  industry  focused training programs that benefit local companies as well as offer off-
                       campus classes for the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Old Dominion University. Liberty
                       University School of Engineering and Computational Sciences research campus is a 10 minute
                       drive from Bedford providing partnerships opportunities between local businesses, academia
                       and emerging engineering talent.
                   ¾ The Bedford Science and Technology Center located in the Town of Bedford provides hands-on
                       Career Technical Education for high school students focusing on hands-on training.
                   ¾ Virginia is a “right-to-work” state with approximately 3% of the regional work force unionized.

               Education cation
               The percent  of high school graduates or higher in  the persons age  25 years and up in the Town is
               82.80%. The percent of persons with a bachelor degree or higher age 25 years and up is 23.70%. Bedford
               County School system is  dedicated to  excellence  in education  with  95%  of its school gaining full
               accreditation while  offering Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, Early College, and Enrichment
               programs, Governor’s Health Science Academy and Acceler8, a regional Governor’s S.T.E.M program.

               Library System ibrary System
               There is six public libraries maintained by the Bedford Public Library System. i i  bli lib  i  i t i  d b th B df d P bli Lib  S t

               Recreation creation
               The Town of Bedford as well as Bedford County has numerous parks offering hiking and mountain bike he To n of Bedford as ell as Bedford Co nt has n mero s parks offering hiking and mo ntain bike
               trails, disc golf courses, picnic pavilions,
               baseball and soccer facilities. Bedford is
               located adjacent to thousands of acres
               National forest land as well as the Blue Ridge
               Parkway. The 30,000 acre Smith Mountain
               Lake is located 20 minutes from Bedford to
               the south combined with the James River 20
               minutes to the North, provide ample
               boating/fishing activities. Other amenities
               include local golf courses, a variety of local
               restaurants, local wineries and breweries,
               historical attractions such as the National D-
               Day Memorial as well as organized special
               events like Bedford CenterFest.

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