Page 20 - Town of Bedford FY 2018-2019 Budget.pdf
P. 20

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               accounting with cash-basis accounting. Under this method revenues are recognized in the period they
               become available and measurable and expenditures are recognized in the period the associated liability
               (expense) is incurred. This is also called modified cash basis accounting. The Town’s enterprise funds are
               reported on the full accrual basis, under which revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are
               recorded when incurred.

                  FUND ACCOUNTING

               The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds and accounts groups, each of which is
               considered a separate accounting entity. Fund accounting is designed to demonstrate legal compliance
               and to aid financial management by segregating transactions related to certain government functions or
               activities. The operations of each fund are accounted for with separate set of self-balancing accounts
               that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate.
               All of the funds of the Town can be divided into two categories:  governmental funds and proprietary
                   ¾ Governmental Fund – The focus of the Town’s governmental funds is to provide information on
                       near-term revenues, expenditures, and balances of spendable resources. This fund is a grouping
                       used in accounting for tax-supported activities and services. It emphasizes accountability rather
                       than profitability.
                   ¾ Enterprise Funds – Enterprise funds are used to  report the same functions presented as
                       business-type activities in the government-wide financial statements.  These funds provide
                       goods or services to the public for a fee that makes the entity self-supporting.  The Town uses
                       enterprise funds to account for its solid waste and electric operations.

               The reporting structure  of the Town’s Financial  Management System is set up by  the following
                   ¾ Fund: An independent fiscal and accounting entity used to record all financial transactions
                       related to the specific purpose for which the fund was created.
                   ¾ Department (Org): A division  of the entire local government dealing with a  specific subject,
                       commodity, or area of activity.
                   ¾ Object Code: Six-digit numbers that are used to categorize actual expenses, budgeted amounts
                       for expenses, and encumbrances, into categories that describe the nature of the goods or
                       services purchased.

               The Town’s Financial Management System has the following primary fund categories:
                   ¾ General Fund = 10
                   ¾ Solid Waste Fund = 17
                   ¾ Electric Fund = 19
                   ¾ General Capital Improvement Fund = 50
                   ¾ Solid Waste Capital Improvement Fund = 57
                   ¾ Electric Capital Improvement Fund = 59

                 GENERAL FUND (10) STRUCTURE
               Revenue               100011-     Police                10033110    P.W. –Maintenance of   10044350
                                     100091                                        Motor Vehicles

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