Page 24 - Town of Bedford FY 2018-2019 Budget.pdf
P. 24

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               not be amended  simply  because additional revenues become available. In the event  of a public
               emergency affecting life, health, property  or the public peace, Council may  make emergency
               appropriations and to the extent that there are no available unappropriated revenues to meet such
               situations, Town Council may, by such ordinance, authorize the issuance of emergency notes, which may
               be renewed as necessary. By statute, any budget amendment that exceeds one (1) percent of the total
               expenditures shown in the currently adopted budget must first publish a notice of a public hearing
               stating the governing body’s intent to amend the budget including a brief synopsis of the proposed
               amendment at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. After providing that public hearing during
               such meeting, Town Council may adopt the proposed budget amendment.


               The Town routinely completes a comprehensive process that allocates limited resources in capital
               investment to ensure that capital assets are accounted for in conformance  with generally accepted
               accounting principles. The primary objective of this is to establish criteria to systematically identify, plan,
               schedule, finance, track and monitor capital projects to ensure cost-effectiveness and consistent
               application throughout funds. The Town prepares, adopts, and updates at least annually a five (5) year
               Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP identifies and sets priorities for all major capital assets to be
               acquired, replaced, constructed, or rehabilitated. The first year of each adopted five year CIP is included
               in the budget for the coming fiscal year.

                  DEBT SERVICE

               This budget includes funding required to meet existing debt obligations of the Town of Bedford. Detailed
               information regarding current debt and projected debt payments are included in the Debt section of this
               document a summary is provided below.

                       DEBT SERVICE                         PRINCIPAL       INTEREST        TOTAL
                       General Fund                       $               744,140 $               77,856 $         821,996

                       Solid Waste Fund                   $               538,860 $               56,379 $         595,239
                       Electric Fund                      $           9,568,000 $         1,292,952 $   10,860,952

                       Water & Sewer Authority Pass-thru  $           5,267,100 $            601,532 $     5,868,633
                       Total All Funds                    $   16,118,100.10 $   2,028,719.49 $   18,146,820

                  FINANCIAL ANALYSIS

               Level of Total Governmental Unrestricted Net Position: The level of total governmental unrestricted
               net position is an indication of the amount of unexpended and available resources the Town has in all
               funds combined at a point in time to fund emergencies, shortfalls, or other unexpected needs. As of the
               last Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for year ended June 30, 2017, the Town’s total
               unrestricted net deficit approximated $4,800,000. The decrease was related to the restriction of cash for
               debt collateral and the Town’s $4.3 million unfunded pension liability.

               Level of Budgetary Unassigned Fund Balance: The level of budgetary unassigned fund balance is an
               indication of the amount of unexpended, unencumbered, and available resources the Town has at a
               point in time to carry-over into the next fiscal year to fund budgetary emergencies, shortfalls, or other

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