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NCH Named As Site of
The 2018 Cerebral Vascular Conference
CH is honored to host esteemed medical – attributed to blood clots that stop the flow of
specialists from around the country blood to certain parts of the brain. In cases where
NNovember 3 and 4 at the NCH Cerebral tPA (alteplase, clot dissolving agent) cannot totally
Vascular Conference. The conference is organized clear the clot, Dr. AbuAwad and his team perform
by NCH Stroke Program Medical Directors Mazen mechanical thrombectomies on these large
AbuAwad MD, a neurointerventional radiologist and vessel occlusions. While 13 percent of strokes are
R. Viktoria Totoraitis, MD, a vascular neurologist hemorrhagic, the remaining are related aneurysm –
and acute stroke physician. when an abnormal blood vessel bursts, preventing
Physician guest speakers from Emory University, oxygen from reaching the brain.
University of Toledo, University of Pittsburgh Although they can happen to anyone of any
Medical Center, and Mayo Clinic are a few who have age, strokes are definitely more common in older
been invited to present stroke updates and cases patients. Risk factors are divided into two main
of interest – such as those with unusual anatomy groups: modifiable and non-modifiable. Modifiable
and unusual diseases. Nursing welcomes Linda risk factors are those that people have control
Littlejohns, MSN, RN, CNRN, who will present a Mazen AbuAwad, M.D. over, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high
lecture on 3-D Anatomy of the Brain and Stroke. seen by an emergency cholesterol, smoking, heavy alcohol use, physical
Dr. AbuAwad presented a published study at the physician and a inactivity and being overweight. It is estimated
2018 European Stroke Conference in Athens, neurologist within 10 that 80 percent of all strokes are caused by these
Greece last April comparing NCH data on patient minutes of arriving at modifiable behaviors.
outcomes and complications with the findings the emergency room. Risk factors that we cannot control – those that
of seven published major trials from the largest Advanced technology are non-modifiable – account for 20 percent of the
medical centers in the world. makes this possible causes of stroke and include age, gender (more
“We came out comparable or even better than with a robot that common in men until age 75, when more women
outcomes in those trials,” says AbuAwad. “At NCH, allows a neurologist to suffer strokes), race (African Americans, Native
we do all that’s available, and we do it here.” perform exams at beside Americans, and Alaskan natives have a higher risk),
NCH is currently participating in a study from a via Skype with the and a family history of stroke and/or heart disease.
newly started registry to look at patient outcomes. R. Viktoria Totoraitis, M.D. assistance of our trained “At NCH, due to a large aging population, we have
“Our data is so impressive,” explains AbuAwad, nurses. higher chances of patients having strokes, so we
“that of the 50 participating hospitals invited Once diagnosed and treated in the emergency treat more such cases than most hospitals,” says
worldwide, NCH is one of only two community room, Dr. Totoraitis steps in and cares for more AduAwad. “NCH offers the highest expertise, cutting
hospitals asked to participate.” than 300 acute stroke patients a year. Stroke is best edge technology and a team that is continually
NCH sees approximately 1300 stroke alerts a year defined as a sudden interruption of blood flow to performing studies, participating in trials, and
with greater than 70 percent being diagnosed as the brain, and people of all ages are susceptible to sharing data with other experts from around the
acute ischemic stroke, TIA (transient ischemic this life-changing medical emergency. country with the goal of improving service delivery
attack), or hemorrhagic stroke. Stroke patients are Approximately 85 percent of strokes are ischemic and providing optimal patient outcomes.”
Ω Sudden numbness or weakness in the face
or on one side of the body
Ω Sudden confusion or difficulty speaking
Signs of a Stroke Ω Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Ω Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, or loss
of balance NCH STROKE
Ω Sudden severe headache with no known cause CENTER
NCH is the only
AHCA designated
Stroke Center in
Ω Avoid a diet with too much salt. Southwest Florida.
A healthy diet includes less than 2300 mg NCH Received
of sodium a day (about one teaspoon) Things you can change to AHA "Get with
The Guidelines -
Ω Eliminate heavy use of alcohol and smoking decrease your risk of stroke Stroke Gold Plus
Achievement Award
Ω Eat a diet with fruits and vegetables with Target: Stroke
Honor Roll Elite
Ω Increase regular physical activity and exercise Plus"
NCH is a joint
designated Primary
Stroke Center
STROKE is an Emergency – every minute counts
ACT F. A. S. T!
FACE: Ask the person ARMS: Is one arm weak or SPEECH: Is speech slurred? TIME: If the person
to smile. Does one side numb? Ask the person to Ask the person to repeat shows any of these
of the face droop? raise both arms. Does one a simple sentence. Is the symptoms, call 9-1-1
arm drift downwards? sentence repeated correctly? immediately.
For more information, contact Diana Trupiano,
NCH Stroke Navigator, at (239) 624-2116