P. 4
NCH Patient Survives Sudden Heart Attack and Gets Back to Life
With Help of Cardiac Rehab Program
December 26, 2017 was just another day at the responsibilities, and helped each other to help us.” life’s motto in mind: “The only happiness you get
NCH Briggs Wellness Center until gym member According to Rosenquist, Kirschner started the to keep in your life is the happiness you give away
Michael Kirschner, age 73, collapsed and went cardiac rehab program as a one-on-one. After a – and it doesn’t always have to be a check.”
face down while on the treadmill and was in medical assessment was performed by a nurse, He saw a need in the cardiac rehab center and
cardiac arrest. Rosenquist and Sigg discussed Kirschner’s activity filled it, donating a much-needed large-screen
Two fellow gym members started CPR, but level before his cardiac episode and set goals to television.
neither was able to get a heartbeat. For all intents get him back to those levels or better. “He was In addition to the exercise program, NCH
and purposes, Kirschner was dead. always positive, but hesitant at times,” explains Cardiac Rehab offers classes on stress
“Fortunately, Jordan, an employee, knew where Rosenquist. “But at the end, he exceeded his goals management, nutrition, pharmacology and
to get and how to use the and was in better shape than before the cardiac episode.” diabetes. A monthly cardiac patient support group
AED (automated external As a three-time cancer survivor – including a brain and a Phase Three Maintenance Program are
defibrillator),” said Kirschner. tumor 11 years ago – Kirschner says he is very also offered at the NCH Cardiac Rehab on Bonita
“With two shots, my heartbeat thankful these days, and he lives each day with his Beach Road, in Bonita Springs.
was restored.”
EMS arrived shortly thereafter
and transported Kirschner to
NCH emergency care, where he
was diagnosed with left anterior
Michael Kirschner descending coronary artery
stenosis (LAD). “Doctors scoped it and cleaned it
out and gave me a new stent, and a defibrillator NCH Cardiac Rehab team members
was installed in my heart,” he explains. (l to r): Peter Lallone, RRT,
Kirschner was then put under the care of Dr. Ann Rosenquist, EP,
Tracey Roth, NCH Heart Institute interventional Sue Howlin, RN and
cardiologist and Dr. Dinesh Sharma, NCH cardiac Andreas Sigg, EP.
electrophysiologist. “They were outstanding, as
was the nursing staff,” says Kirschner. “I can’t say
enough about the excellent care I received in those
harrowing days.”
Four or five days after discharge, Kirschner
began the NCH Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
For three months (36 sessions), he worked with
team members Amy Peleshok, RN; Sue Howlin,
RN; Andreas Sigg, EP (exercise physiologist);
Natalie Atwood, EP; and Ann Rosenquist, EP.
“I love each and every one,” said Kirschner. NCH Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
“They worked with me and helped me to gain
the confidence that I needed to get back on the
treadmill.” • Comprehensive Assessments
As a businessman, Kirschner said he has never • Individualized treatment plans coordinated by RNs and Exercise Physiologists
seen an operation run better or more smoothly • Continuous monitoring of heart rhythm by wireless telemetry
than the NCH Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. • Aerobic activity and low intensity strength training tailored to each patient’s individual needs
“The way this team worked together, not only
on my goals but also on those of each patient,” • Educational classes: Nutrition, Exercise, Medication Management and Stress Reduction
says Kirschner. “They each knew each other’s • Progress is communicated to your physician monthly or when there is a significant change
For more information, contact Peter Lallone, RRT, NCH Manager of Cardiac
and Pulmonary Rehab Programs, at (239) 624-6810.
Pre-Surgery Class For Joint PRE-SURGERY
Replacement Speeds Recovery HIGHLIGHTS
✔ Free two-hour class for knee and
our quick return to regular activities to make them laugh while they learn,” she hip replacement patients
after hip or knee replacement says, “and they leave feeling less anxious
Ydepends in large part on what you about the surgery.” ✔ Helps patients and caregivers
do to prepare ahead of time. Patients and their caregivers will benefit prepare for surgery, hospital stay
In an effort to help patients properly from helpful tips such as preparing meals
prepare for joint replacement surgeries, in advance and ensuring that their homes and rehabilitation
NCH offers free pre-operative classes. are cleared of obstacles if they will be using
The two-hour Preoperative Patient a walker. ✔ Dedicated coordinator is point of
Education Seminar for Total Joint Everyone receives an educational folder contact for additional questions
Replacement Surgery is intended to that can also be mailed if patients are and concerns
help both patients and caregivers learn unable to attend a session.
about preparing for surgery, what happens the day “Our goal is to empower the patient so they're ready
of surgery and during the initial recovery period, pain for surgery and ready for recovery,” explains Miller.
management techniques, what to expect during Classes are held Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p.m. and
physical therapy, and how to create a discharge plan. Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5:30 to 7:30
“When patients understand what to expect from total p.m. at the NCH Baker Hospital Downtown, Telford
joint replacement, they have clearer expectations,” Building, 350 7th St. N. in Naples. Light refreshments
says Jennifer Miller, BSN, RN, CMSRN, ONC, NCH are served.
Total Joint Replacement Coordinator. “Patients take As soon as your surgery date is scheduled, call
a more active role in their recovery and have better 239-624-3965 or email
outcomes.” Include your name and phone number, date of surgery,
Miller says that some patients aren’t even aware of name of surgeon, type of surgery (hip or knee), number
the questions they should be asking. “I’m guaranteed of people attending, and class date and time.
For more information, contact Jennifer Miller at 239-624-3998 or