Page 12 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
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F rom the First Sketch ties and experiences in India. Emblem of Excellence
tripXOXO was started in
Heena Akhtar
2016 at time when online An All Encompassing CEO - tripXOXO has the following ad-
travel was already a very estab-
lished method of transaction. Heena is a first generation en- a. Due to our focus we have the
Travellers started to book online trepreneur who earlier founded finest and the collection of service
and the focus remained on air and TravelPort Holidays and made it providers
hotel. With this change in buying amongst the top travel brand by b. Due to our industry experience
habit we realised that there is also a creating innovation around travel we have some of the best global
scope for people to book in des- products and distribution. Trav- partnerships
tination services and experiences elPort Holidays has been around
online which usually constitutes for 12 years now. tripXOXO is a c. Due to our corporate relation-
12% spend of the leisure traveller. wholly owned subsidiary of Trav- ships and partnerships we have a
This was a very fragmented piece elPort Holidays. In its short stint reach to over 20 million customers
and we say a great opportunity in tripXOXO under her leadership has
that .e realised while solving this already picked up multiple awards. d. Due to the volumes of business
we were solving another problem She is also on Board of Rewardport being given to service providers
– finding activities and things to do Corporate Solutions which is one we enjoy the best deals
around your own home city. While of India’s largest rewards company
you may take vacations twice a and works with over 600 corporate Today a business can be sustained
year, people are looking at doing companies. by growing it only. We need to
things on their 52 weekends. Overcoming Adversities quickly ramp up operations and
reach for which we need more
Thus the idea was born, to become This category is very fragment- capital
a discovery and booking platform ed and bringing this together is a Sustaining Quality
for activities, things to do and challenge but we have found a way
experiences. We are now present around it by getting people who We have two sides to the business
in 140 countries with over 125,000 share the same vision and have
activities and transfers at 2000 the fire in the belly to make things a. Service providers and distribu-
airports and tickets to over 200 happen. This is probably a problem tion partners
sporting events with any business so no big deal b. Service provider benefits tre-
Vision: The vision is to become there but we are making it very mendously because he gets dis-
the biggest go to place for activities inclusive so that all members of the covered by over 20 million people
and things to in Asia and be the team are equally motivated on our platform and we provide
world largest collection of activi- them with robust tech solutions
to take their business global. So
“ er, who operates a small tour can
even a home based service provid-
become global with us. Distri-
bution partners which includes
Our vision is to become the biggest go like of Make my trip, Yatra, Club
Mahindra benefit by getting great
to place for activities and things to in products at great prices for their
Asia and be the world largest collection
of activities and experiences in India. Our acquisition strategy is through
strategic partnerships with over
100 partners and 2000 travel
agents. Plus through a smart influ-
encers and content led strategy we
are reaching out directly to