Page 17 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
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ism product and generate revenue 3. Focus – Don’t get distracted, territories which had not been ex-
opportunities for 10000 families have a vision work it backwards to plored by the existing players. Also
try and achieve it and just focus on set up a travel portal much before
Today’s Industry Scenario that. advent of any other travel company
The industry that we operate is Shaping the Journey but being a non tech person and
growing continuously but is frag- perhaps a bit too early in the game
mented; we want to create a better Heena has been in the travel busi- it had to be pivoted . Soon investor
eco system for all stake holders ness for last 15 years and is an avid got interested and raised a million
to operate within that friction free traveller. The business started from USD. However the quest for doing
increasing their profitability for a relative’s office in slum of Dhar- something global led to the discov-
partners while making it easy and avi because there was not adequate ery of creating tripXOXO. Multiple
economical for customers. capital to take a full-fledged of- attempts and multiple failings led
fice. With one other employee the to some stupendous business ideas
Leadership lessons business moved slowly but surely. which have got her and tripX-
OXO here. This time around she
1. Team is everything – empower Over the next 3 years moved 4 doesn’t have to look for investor’s
them, train them , reward them different offices in Mumbai due to as people are approaching because
make them think like you growth. This is where the ambi- they see that this has the potential
tions took wings and she decided
2. Just because it’s not been done that we want to become the largest to be the next unicorn. tripXOXO
operates out of India, Dubai and
before doesn’t mean it’s impossi- travel agency network and through UK and is soon launching its China
ble, be creative and inventive all franchising it reached 75 locations. office and site in Mandarin.
the time. Constantly innovating to get into