Page 18 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
P. 18
Management Company Name Description
Anupma Singh Jiofullest JiyoFullest is building the platform that democratis-
Co-Founder & Partner es the practice of Career Coaching, Entrepreneurship
coaching and Life coaching.
Archana Purohit Agrawal Digital Ozone Digital Ozone provides end-to-end digital media
Founder & CEO solutions and assist in complete digital on-boarding for
Bijimol G Kawika Technologies Kawika Technologies is a software development com-
CEO pany that creates cost- effective custom solutions based
on technical expertise of industry experienced software
developers in staff.
Heena Akhtar tripXOXO A Global Discovery & Booking platform for Tours,
CEO Activities & Things to do across the world
Kiren Shrivastav Molecule Communica- One of the top companies in Mumbai, India with an
Director & CEO tions (Pvt) Ltd urbane skill set focused primarily in Production &
moleculecommunications. Marketing
Neetu Jaglan Ruhaansh Enterprises Have been the Centre starting from Scratch,
Founder Foundation to name of the company, all marketing and
operational activities.
Nitu Mohanka WErise WErise provides services to the start-up world in highly
Founder professional settings with detailed insights on legal and
financial jargon that sometimes becomes the crutch to
creative entrepreneurs.
Pallavi Barnwal RedWomb RedWomb is a platform for discussing, debating,
Founder and sharing uninhibited, vulnerable, and pleasurable
sexual and emotional experiences in man-woman
Ralsi Sharma PeopleQ Consulting We help businesses enhance their people quotient to
Founder & CEO leverage people for business growth through HR strate-
gies, systems & processes.
Shruti Chaturvedi Chaaipani Chaaipani is a digital media platform to discover, share
Founder and act on positively inspiring stories around us.