Page 22 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
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We have created an eco-system for Start-ups wherein
they are provided guidance, support, mentoring and
network for scaling up of their business.
Erise is a boutique Having quit my job in 2011 due to business. Honestly, I do not think
consulting firm to family commitments, have always our kids are ready for the future
Wprovide Business Support been restless to get back to work. where technology is taking over in
Services. The idea is to let small I became really passionate about such a big way. If experts are to be
and medium businesses concentrate new ideas and wanted to create believed, 60% jobs that exist now
on their core functions and we value for budding businesses, so will not be there in the next 10-15
handle their support services, right started my journey again with years. The way technologies like
from Incorporation to Fund-raise. Werise in early 2018. We have Artificial Intelligence, Machine
created an eco-system for Start- Learning, and Automation etc are
Clear revolutionary vision of ups wherein they are provided taking over, and at such speed,
WErise guidance, support, mentoring and we cannot keep pace if we do not
network for scaling up of their start today. There is a need for
We have established ourselves as business. As an organization, we Industry experts to mentor, guide
an advisory firm where we shall have been able to create a network and handhold the new generation.
be the first choice for MSMEs as a / team of 50 plus members within Help them identify problems within
backbone that allows entrepreneurs one year, with focus towards the community and develop those
to concentrate on what they need providing job opportunities to ideas to solve problems of the
while we handle the nitty-gritties women in the team. We have a community at large.
of their business right from robust client base to boast of and
building the idea to scaling it up. have engaged with early stage Setting new standards
The ecosystem we have created start-ups to help them accelerate.
provides complete support, be it The team has deep relations with WErise is not just an advisory
design thinking, product innovation the investor community and help firm; it is also a platform which
and development, accounting, in deal advisory both from the is ever ready to provide support
legal and compliance, business investor and the investee side. to men and women in business
valuations and investments. or otherwise. We always lend a
Concerns that impact the helping hand to people in need
We also aim to build a women industry today of guidance be it personal or
friendly team while providing them professional. We understand the
a balanced and challenging work The current biggest concern in pain points of start-ups, their
space that understands the struggles the industry is a lack of proper needs and challenges. The team is
of motherhood, the challenges of framework for young minds to sensitized enough to guide them
being home-makers and the need design and develop their idea. well, despite being professionally
for facilities that come with being a Although the government is very engaged or not. I think being
woman. supportive, and the talent pool is frugal, passionate and considerate
A veteran leader ‘Nitu Mohanka’ big and wide enough, there is still is what makes us different from the
a huge gap between the means and
I am a Chartered Accountant with access to them from both sides. Delivering the best quality
The new generation needs to be
over 13 years’ industry experience trained in schools and colleges to services
and 2 kids. I have worked for identify their passion, build new
MNCs namely Tatasteel, American ideas around it, and create it into a Our clients get a one stop solution
Express, Avon and Tupperware. for all their business needs. We