Page 27 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
P. 27


              WErise intends to increase their start-up portfolio through
              engagement with innovative ideas and passionate


        offer them support services which    their start-up portfolio through     of students passing out from
        is non-core to their business, so    engagement with innovative ideas     the esteemed institute. Initially
        they can outsource it to us and      and passionate entrepreneurs. The    I thought, this is it. Realization
        focus on their core strength,        balance between seed stage and
        eventually saving them a lot of      growth stage businesses will be      dawned after entering the corporate
        time, money and effort. They do      maintained so we can invest our      world. I was not prepared for it.
        not need to hire and train staff, but   time and resources at the right   It was a rigour every day for next
        hire experts as and when there is a   place to manage efficiencies. We    7 years. I made a lot of mistakes
        need.                                also intend to start a structured    which only helped me shape my
                                             incubation programme for selected
        Technologically advanced             ideas. An angel fund is on the cards   career. The corporate grim finally
        initiatives                          as well to support those ideas.      took its toll and I quit my 9 to 6

        We are working relentlessly in       Evolving and overcoming              job, which usually extended to
                                                                                  the mid of night being in financial
        making systems transparent,
        automated and low-cost for our       challenges                           services. I decided to take it slow,
        clients who should help raise the                                         think over what I really want, try
        bar for the experts and there will   India today is on a tremendous       different things. In the process
        be a level playing field for all the   growth path due to the economic    I got to work with several tech
        players in the industry. We aim to   push of the current government.      start-ups and it really intrigued me.
        see a huge disruption using fintech   Our country contributes one-sixth
        platform in the B2B consulting       to the global population, and 65%    I came up with the idea of Werise
        space in the next 3 to 5 years.                                           when I realised there is a need for
                                             of our countrymen are the age of 35   genuine mentors in the ecosystem
        Inspiration to enter the business    years. We are a very young country   and there is huge untapped talent of
        segment                              with a huge base for consumers.      women wanting to work from the
        We realised there is a need for      Hence the world is looking at        comfort of their home, and I just
        genuine, ethical partners in the     us. The door is open for global      had to bridge the gap. So yeah, it
        start-up ecosystem who can provide  investors and we are attracting       was a roller coaster no doubt, and
        the right support and guidance to    interest from all around the world.
        budding entrepreneurs of the new     All we need to do is tap onto the    it’s not a smooth path ahead, but
        India. Today, professionals are      opportunities available. We are in   I am happy to take the road less
        taking the risk to start new ventures                                     travelled. We cannot claim 100%
        which also makes them quite          for very exciting times ahead.       women in the team, but our efforts
        vulnerable. We intend to genuinely                                        are always towards hiring the right
        get involved and help them grow      WErise’s journey towards
        through our network of mentors       success                              talent for the right job, and being a
        and investors.                                                            woman is never a constraint for us.
                                             The journey of becoming a
        Futuristic expansion mode            Chartered Accountant was not easy
        WErise intends to increase           in those days with only handful
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