Page 28 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
P. 28


                   Anupama Singh:



                ive life to the fullest!     Skilful visionary behind the         Challenges and obstacles in the
                This is the motto with       company                              industry
          Lwhich JiyoFullest enables
          individuals to take massive leaps   Anupma Singh, hailing from a        The biggest challenges in her
          towards progress in their life,    small town in Bihar, India, she is   industry of coaching for career,
          entrepreneurship and career.       a woman with extreme belief in       entrepreneurship and life are:
                                             hard work and determination is       Country level, recognized
          Its framework driven coaching      how Anupma Singh defines her         certification body for coaches
          practice helps you to discover     roots. After topping in her school,   expertizing on youth problems;
          your hidden potential, identify    she went to pursue B.Tech. from      Isolated individuals / groups
          improvement areas and drives       IIT – Kanpur.                        of coaches running expensive
          you towards success.               Anupma says, “Your success is a      programs and selective about
                                             mind game. Once you visualize        trainees; Structured, frameworks
          Top individuals in sports and      your success in your mind and        and data science-based research
          businesses have coaches who        believe on it, after that you have   of Indian youth is missing and
          enable them to achieve larger      to just work to show the world the   Awareness about the power of
          goals and stay in charge of their   result.”                            coaching.
          lives. Now, you can dream, plan    She has stellar corporate experience
          and achieve your desired future    of 10+ year in IT and management.    Key strategies to tackle its
          that you always deserved.          After her first baby, and demanding   competition

          The extraordinarily                role in her career, she decided to   JiyoFullest is building the platform
                                             craft her own venture. The goal
          real and vivid vision              was not only to be able to balance   that democratises the practice of
          Create a high quality and          a happy life but also to impact      coaching through: Data based
                                                                                  measurements and tuning of
          affordable personalized coaching   people’s lives directly, without     practice deliverables; Technology
          platform for youth to discover     compromising either.                 based Right coach selection for
          their true potential and achieve   JiyoFullest is her second venture    every need of individuals and
          their desired future in career,    and in the last 2 years, already     large panel of coaches with
          entrepreneurship and life. We      impacted more than 2000 youth        specialization in various psycho-
          shall drive this vision through    across India to help those young     socio impact areas. We do not
          innovation and technology. We      people craft their realities in career,   depend on same coach(es) to adapt.
          are on a mission to positively     entrepreneurship and life.           Truly, personalized coaching;
          impact 1 Lakh youth by 2022.                                            Frameworks to streamline routine

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