Page 13 - The 10 Best Women Founders And CEOs To Watch for 2019
P. 13

customers                            to customers                         We are taking a strong position on
                                                                                  sustainable tourism and will be-
        The Competitive Landscape            For customer stickiness we have a    come one of the largest sustainable
                                             very unique loyalty program where    tourism products aggregator in the
        The way we are looking at tackling   we help users save lot of money
        competition is to do more, faster in   while at the same time help them   country. Travellers today need to
        terms of on boarding service pro-    discover new things.                 be self-aware of what damage they
        vider. We are very agile on technol-                                      could do to the environment plus
        ogy and are using AI to be relevant   Sustainable Tourism                 we want to help local communities



           today need
            to be self-

             aware of

        what damage

            they could
             do to the


          plus we want
          to help local


          to benefit by

         helping them
            with better



           and reach.  “
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