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077_G6U5_G6U8_TG 2014.4.17 6:8 PM ˘ ` 063

05Convert Fractions to Decimals and Decimals to Fractions Unit

Unit Planner

Pacing Activity Title Objective Materials

Lead-In Collision of Relate fractions and decimals.
Two Different
1 day Worlds Write fractions as decimals.

Activity 1 Converting
Fractions to

Activity 2 Comparing Compare fractions and decimals.
Fractions and
1 day Decimals

Challenge Comparing Compare integers and natural numbers.

This unit plan is just an example of how the unit can be taught. Teachers can alter the unit plan according to the students’ needs
and capabilities.

ESL Vocabulary

measurement marking beaker remember

Math Vocabulary

positive integer negative integer

6A Unit 05 063
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