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077_G6U5_G6U8_TG 2014.4.17 6:8 PM ˘ ` 065

05Collision of Two Different Worlds Unit

Objective: Learn how to convert decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals using various methods. Have students count the colored squares in

The area of the large square model represents one. Find the fraction or the square model with a hundred squares
decimal of the colored part.
and write the correct fraction or decimal.
Since there are one hundred smaller squares, the number of colored squares becomes the numerator, and
100 becomes the denominator when it is expressed as a fraction. The square model is divided into one

hundred parts. So, the small square is one
out of one hundred. This is 100 as a fraction
and 0.01 as a decimal.

Have students learn more about the

relationship between decimals and fractions

using a number line.

41 77 Change the fraction that has a
0.41 = 100 0.77 = denominator of ten into a decimal in the

tenths place.

Fill in the blanks. Change the fraction that has a

35 7 8 3 8 denominator of one hundred into a
10 10 10 10 10 10
1 1 decimal in the hundredths place.
0 0.3 00..55 0.7
1 0 0.8 1 11..55 2 Change the decimal in the tenths into a

fraction with a denominator of ten.

Change the decimal in the hundredths

15 56 84 76 1 21 54 place into a fraction with a denominator
100 100 100 100 100 100
1 of one hundred. Refer to .
0 0.15 00.5.566 0.84 1
0 0.76 1 1.12.211 1.54 2 Have students change decimals into

fractions. After have them write the fractions

in simplest form.

Write decimals as fractions. Example: 0.38

0.2 = 1 1.9 = 1 9 0.38 = 19 1.73 = 1 73 0.38 38 GCF of 38 and 100 is 2.
5 10 50 100 100

38 2 19

5. Collision of Two Different Worlds 39 100 2 50

The Relationship Between Fractions and Introducing the Unit
Decimals In this unit, students will learn how to write
The relationship between a fraction with a fractions or decimals and show equal amounts
denominator of 100 and a decimal in the using pictures. They will learn the relationship
hundredths place can be shown below. between fractions and decimals. Have students
use division, (natural number natural number) to
100 0. change a fraction into a decimal. Have them
change decimals into fractions with a denominator
You can change a fraction with a denominator of of 10, 100, or 1,000. Have students compare
100 into a decimal in the hundredths place. decimals and fractions by changing fractions into
decimals and decimals into fractions.

6A Unit 05 065
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