Page 85 - NUMINO TG_6A
P. 85
077_G6U5_G6U8_TG 2014.4.17 6:8 PM ˘ ` 068
Activity 1
Have students divide the numerator by the They must always remember to place the decimal point at the correct position.
denominator and write a decimal. Have them
change a fraction into a decimal in the Learn how to write fractions as decimals by dividing the numerator by the
following way:
(natural number) (natural number). denominator.
First, look at the fraction and write a Write 3 as a decimal.
division sentence: 4
(natural number) (natural number).
Write a division Divide the numerator Write the fraction
sentence. by the denominator. as a decimal.
3 =3 4 0.7 5 3 = 0.75
4 4 3.0 0 4
Divide the numerator and the demominator 5 . Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.
until there are no remainders to find the
quotient. a. 2 = 0.4 b. 17 = 0.85
5 20
c. 1 2 = 1.4 d. 3 1 = 3.04
5 25
5. Have students think back to what they Math Story Terminating and Repeating Decimals
have already learned, and solve the problems.
5c. 1 2 1 (2 5) 0.4
1 0.4 5 20
1.4 20 The decimal, 0.5, is a terminating decimal because the 0.3 3 3
0 decimal digits come to an end. The decimal, 0.333 , is
a repeating decimal because the decimal digits repeat a 3 1.0 0 0
5d. 3 1 3 (1 25) 0.04 pattern forever. 9
25 10
25 100 1 9
3 0.04 100 3 = 0.333 = 0.3 0.1222 = 0.12 0.545454 = 0.54 10
0 9
3.04 1
Terminating and Repeating Decimals Fractions and Decimals
Have students read the math story and
understand that decimals, which they There are merits to changing fractions into decimals and vice
have learned up to now are terminating
decimals and briefly explain about versa.
repeating decimals.
Repeating decimals, have a pattern of If you write the fraction as a decimal, you can easily
numbers after the decimal point that 3
continues to repeat itself without an understand its value. For example, if you write 4 as a
decimal, 0.75, it is easier to understand its
068 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
Multiplying and dividing fractions is easier than multiplying
and dividing decimals. So write the decimal as a fraction to
multiply or divide. Changing decimals into fractions can
also help you calculate rational numbers.
Activity 1
Have students divide the numerator by the They must always remember to place the decimal point at the correct position.
denominator and write a decimal. Have them
change a fraction into a decimal in the Learn how to write fractions as decimals by dividing the numerator by the
following way:
(natural number) (natural number). denominator.
First, look at the fraction and write a Write 3 as a decimal.
division sentence: 4
(natural number) (natural number).
Write a division Divide the numerator Write the fraction
sentence. by the denominator. as a decimal.
3 =3 4 0.7 5 3 = 0.75
4 4 3.0 0 4
Divide the numerator and the demominator 5 . Write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal.
until there are no remainders to find the
quotient. a. 2 = 0.4 b. 17 = 0.85
5 20
c. 1 2 = 1.4 d. 3 1 = 3.04
5 25
5. Have students think back to what they Math Story Terminating and Repeating Decimals
have already learned, and solve the problems.
5c. 1 2 1 (2 5) 0.4
1 0.4 5 20
1.4 20 The decimal, 0.5, is a terminating decimal because the 0.3 3 3
0 decimal digits come to an end. The decimal, 0.333 , is
a repeating decimal because the decimal digits repeat a 3 1.0 0 0
5d. 3 1 3 (1 25) 0.04 pattern forever. 9
25 10
25 100 1 9
3 0.04 100 3 = 0.333 = 0.3 0.1222 = 0.12 0.545454 = 0.54 10
0 9
3.04 1
Terminating and Repeating Decimals Fractions and Decimals
Have students read the math story and
understand that decimals, which they There are merits to changing fractions into decimals and vice
have learned up to now are terminating
decimals and briefly explain about versa.
repeating decimals.
Repeating decimals, have a pattern of If you write the fraction as a decimal, you can easily
numbers after the decimal point that 3
continues to repeat itself without an understand its value. For example, if you write 4 as a
decimal, 0.75, it is easier to understand its
068 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
Multiplying and dividing fractions is easier than multiplying
and dividing decimals. So write the decimal as a fraction to
multiply or divide. Changing decimals into fractions can
also help you calculate rational numbers.