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077_G6U5_G6U8_TG 2014.4.17 6:8 PM ˘ ` 071

05Collision of Two Different Worlds Unit

Math VoCabulary positive integer: an integer greater than zero

negative integer: an integer smaller than zero

2 Have students use what they know about the number line to compare fractions and decimals. After students have finished learning about
integers, have them compare rational
. Use the number line to write fractions as decimals and decimals as numbers. Students do not need to know the
fractions. meaning of rational numbers. They only need
to know how to change fractions into
_21 _21 decimals and decimals into fractions, which
they have learned in activities 1 and 2.
1 0.5 0 0.5 1

a. 0.3 = 3 b. 0.7 = 7 c. 2 = 0.4 d. 3 = 0.6
10 10 5 5

3 . Fractions and decimals that have values less than 0 can also be 2. Have students look at the number line and
change the fractions into decimals and
graphed on a number line. Mark the fractions and decimals on the decimals into fractions. Have them be careful
not to miss the positive and negative signs.
number line below. Write the them in order from greatest to least.

3 , 0.2, 7 , 0.7, 9
10 10 10
3. Have them look at the given fractions and
_12 _21 decimals on the number line and write the
fractions and decimals in the correct places.
19 0.7 0.5 3 0 0.2 0.5 7 1 Have them write the fractions and decimals in
10 order from largest to smallest.
10 10

7 `` 0.2 `` 3 `` `` 9` 4. Have students compare the rational
10 ˘ ˘ 10 ˘ 0.7 ˘
10 numbers to solve the problems.

Refer to .

4 . Compare. Write ˘ or ¯ in the .

a. 4 ¯ 2 b. 0 ˘ 1 c. 1 ¯ 0.2
5 4

d. 1 2 ˘ 1 2 e. 1 ˘ 1 f. 2 1 ˘ 2 1
3 3 3 6 4 2

5. Collision of Two Different Worlds 45

Comparing Rational Numbers

A. When you are comparing positive rational numbers and negative rational numbers, the positive rational

numbers are always bigger (4a, 4d, 4e, 4f).

B. zero is bigger than negative rational numbers (4b).

C. Have students use a number line to compare negative rational numbers.

Example: 4c. 1 0.2
1 0.25, so write 0.25 and 0.2 on the number line. 1 0.5 0.2 0

1 is written further on the left of the number line than 0.2, so, 1 is smaller. 1¯ 0.2
44 4

6A Unit 05 071
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