Page 25 - NUMINO TG_2A
P. 25
Activity 2 Finding the Pattern

jOb ective Find a pattern in a sequence of numbers.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 2 Finding the Pattern

Draw a place value chart on the board to 1 Find the pattern. Write the missing numbers.

explain about regrouping tens and hundreds.

Refer to . a ... 60 70 80 90 100

190 180 170 ... 130 110

1a. Have students skip-count by 10 from 60. 200 680 690 700 710
The numbers in the tens place will increase 210
from 1 to 9. After 9, the number will carry on
to the hundreds place and 0 will be in the 670 ...
tens place.
Have them count through to 3-digit numbers. 220 660 960 950
Guide them through counting from 90 to 100 ...
and 190 to 200.
970 990
1b. Instruct students to count by 1s. Guide 980
students through counting from 9 to 10. The
numbers in the ones place will increase from Now let’s count by 1s.
1 to 9. After 9, the number carries on to the
tens place and 0 is in the ones place. Show b
them how to write 0 in the ones place and 1
in the tens place. Guide them through 95 96 97 98 99 100 101
counting from 190 to 200. 201 200 199 198 197 19.6.. ... 102
202 203 ... 497 498 499
790 789 788 787 ... 504 500 501
791 792 ... 797 798 799
901 900 ... 806 805 804 503 502
800 801

803 802

902 903 ... 988 989 990 991 992


2. Build Understanding

Make tens and hundreds

Tens Ones Tens Ones Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones

9 10 9 10

Put 9 ones blocks in the ones column to make 9. Put 9 tens blocks in the tens column to make 90.
Add 1 more ones block to make 10. Then, move Add 1 more tens block to make 100. Then, move
them to the tens column. them to the hundreds column.
There are no blocks in the ones column. It has a There are no blocks in the tens column. It has a
zero. 1 tens make 10. 9 becomes 10. zero. 10 tens make 100. 90 becomes 100.

008 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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