Page 7 - 수영만09_4D3_4E9
P. 7
Unit 1 See the Whole Thing

Comprehension Note (Portfolio)

1. 글의 종류 : 우화 2. 주제 (Topic) : Four blind men and an
3. 요지 (Main Idea) elephant

You should see the whole thing.

4. 세부 근거 사항 (Further Details)

① Four blind men wanted to see an elephant so they went to zoo and
touched it
② They all described elephant differently.

③ An old man saw them and told them they all touched different part of the

5. 요약 (Summary)

Four blind men wanted to see an elephant so they went to zoo and touched
it. They all described elephant differently. An old man saw them and told
them they all touched different part of the elephant. You should see the
whole thing

6. 어휘 정리 (Vocabulary) ⑥
① ⑦
② ⑧
③ ⑨
④ ⑩

7. 구문 학습 (Structure)

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