Page 46 - Writing Pie_3
P. 46

1 Fill in the blanks to complete the “compare/contrast” paragraph below.

My two favorite foods are and

. They are similar because they

both . On the other hand, they

are also quite different because .

2 Look at the 3 details below. Decide the right order and complete the “order”

paragraph below.

rinse your mouth with water
gently brush your teeth

apply toothpaste to the brush

It is important to brush your teeth properly. First of all, .
. Then,
Finally, the last step is to

3 T hink of something you accomplished and complete the “example”

paragraph below.

What was it? What did you do? And how did you feel?

Accomplishing your goals can take a lot of hard work. For example, one

time I .To do this,

I had to . But when I

accomplished my goal, I felt .

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