Page 58 - Writing Pie_2
P. 58

No one else thinks exactly like you! No one else’s writing will be exactly like
yours! Your writing should be unique, as you are! It should tell how you feel
about the topic. In this lesson, you will use the skills you have learned to
show your PERSONALITY!

EXAMPLE Look at this paragraph with strong PERSONALITY.

“I hate chores! Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Why should I
clean anything? Everything just gets dirty again. Cleaning
the bathtub is the worst. I’m always a wet mess when I
finish. I can think of better ways to spend my time!”

TURN Which paragraph has more PERSONALITY?

a. b.
We went to the movies. No one My friends and I wanted to see a
could decide which one to see. movie. But, which one … funny
There was a funny movie and a or scary? Sometimes friends
scary one. Finally, we decided to can’t stick together! We divided
split into two groups. up and made everyone happy!

56 ✷ Part I
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