Page 59 - Writing Pie_2
P. 59

1 It is really hot outside!You are looking for a way to cool off. Circle words

that would tell your feelings.Then add 2 of your own words.

icy cool shoe wet refresh
sizzling purple
brother tomorrow


2 In the paragraph below, underline the words that show personality.

Today my class visited the history museum. Wow! We
saw some gigantic dinosaurs.Their teeth were as sharp
as razors! I would NOT want to meet one of those. For
just a pile of bones, they sure were scary! My teacher
said, “Don’t worry.They have been extinct for millions
of years.” But I will probably have nightmares anyway!

3 H ow do you feel about math? Love it? Hate it? Choose words that tell your

feelings.Then add 2 sentences that tell more about your feelings.

fascinating confusing most least nervous always never
favorite exhausted stress excited confident fun happy

Numbers, numbers, and more numbers! I really ( love / hate ) math.


Unit 5. VOICE ✷ 57
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