Page 145 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 145
Activity 1

4. Have the students use the problem solving 4 . Write a number sentence to solve each word problem.
method to solve each problem.
a. There are 386 boxes of b. A keyboard costs 47 dollars.
4a. chocolate in a store. Each box If a company wants to buy
Understand the Question contains 18 pieces of 899 keyboards, how much
Q: What do you need to find? chocolate. How many pieces does it need?
A: How many pieces of chocolate are there of chocolate are there in all?
in all?
Q: Read the problem again. What do you Number Number
know? sentence : 386 18 = 6,948 sentence : 899 47 = 42,253
A: There are 386 boxes of chocolate in a
store. Each box contains 18 pieces of Answer: 6,948 pieces Answer: 42,253 dollars
Plan the Process 5 . Make a word problem using each expression.
Q: How will you solve the problem?
A: Multiply. Then solve the problem.
Solve the Problem
386 18 6,948 a. 504 27 b. 136 48
6,978 pieces
Look Back Word problem : Sample Answer Word problem : Sample Answer
Q: Does your answer make sense? Explain
how you solved the problem. There are 504 students in Thomas’ Jessica has 136 books on her shelf.
school. If each students has If each book is 48 pages long, how
5. Have the students use the given multiplication 27 marbles, how many marbles do many pages are there in all?
sentence to write their own word problem, and they have in all?
then find the product.
Number Number
sentence : 504 27 = 13,608 sentence : 136 48 = 6,528

Answer: 13,608 marbles Answer: 6,528 pages


Find the number of total hours from March 1st to July 31st. Write the solution and answer.
March 31 days, April 30 days, May 31 days, June 30 days, July 31 days.
31 30 31 30 31 153 days.
Each day has 24 hours. 153 24 3,672
There are 3,672 hours.

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