Page 146 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 146
09Door Frame Method Unit

6 . Multiply. b. 2 1 6 c. 7 0 8 6. Have the students multiply a 3-digit
47 59 number by a 2-digit number.
a. 5 4 7
32 1512 6372 7. Have the students fill in the missing digits
+8640 +35400 to multiply a 4-digit number by a 2-digit
1094 1 0,1 5 2 number.
+16410 4 1, 7 7 2 The method of multiplying is similar to the
e. 8 2 9 method of multiplying a 3-digit number by a
1 7, 5 0 4 28 f. 9 3 5 2-digit number. Guide the students through
64 problem a. and have them complete 7b and
d. 6 2 9 6632 7c on their own.
43 +16580 3740
1887 2 3, 2 1 2
+25160 5 9, 8 4 0

2 7, 0 4 7

7 . Fill in the blanks. b. 1 , 7 6 4 c. 3 , 2 0 6
52 12
a. 2 , 1 5 8
13 3 528 6 4 12

6 474 88 2 0 0 32 0 60

21 5 8 0 9 1,7 2 8 3 8,4 7 2

2 8, 0 5 4

9. Door Frame Method 79

Each of the 34 students in Thomas’ class has 1,634 in. of ribbon. They want to connect all the ribbons. If 56
in of ribbon is needed when tying two ribbons together, what is the total length of the ribbon when all 34
ribbons are tied? Write the solution and answer.
Total amount of ribbon 1,634 34 55,556 in.
Amount of ribbon needed for each connection 56 33 1,848 in.
Total length of ribbon 55,556 1,848 53,708 in.

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