Page 149 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 149
Workbook Door Frame Method

061-B1-1 061-B1-2

Multiply 3-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers 11 2. Multiply.
1. Write the missing number in the blank.
378 Example
Example 2
378 1 11 756 2 a. 3 2 1 b. 5 2 4
2 4 2
378 378

2 2

6 56

a. 2 3 2 b. 5 2 5 c. 6 4 3 c. 1 2 4 d. 7 3 2 e. 6 1 5
9 3 2 3 3 6

2, 8 8 1, 7 5 1, 8 6

d. 8 4 5 e. 4 5 7 f. 7 1 4
2 8 4

1,6 0 3,6 6 2,8 6

g. 4 6 0 h. 2 8 6 i. 2 1 9 f. 8 3 1 g. 9 1 7 h. 8 2 6
7 4 7 424

3, 2 0 1,1 4 1,5 3

Objective Multiply a 3-digit number by a Objective Multiply a 3-digit number by a
1-digit number. 2-digit number.

Textbook Reference Lead In Textbook Reference Activity 1

061-B2-1 061-B2-2

Multiply 3-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers 2. There are 83 peas in each box. How many peas do you need in order
1. Multiply to find the product. to export 432 boxes of peas?

Example 857 857 857 3. A car can travel 72 m per minute. How many meters will this car travel
26 26 26 in 153 minutes?
26 5142 5 ,1 4 2 5 ,1 4 2 4. Each worker can make 54 components in a day. How many
7 ,1 4 0 7 ,1 4 0 components can 651 workers make in one day?
2 2, 2 8 2

a. 4 2 7 b. 3 6 0 c. 7 2 9
51 48 23

d. 6 4 2 e. 9 0 5 f. 1 7 6
83 32 93

Objective Multiply a 3-digit number by a Objective Multiply a 3-digit number by a
2-digit number. 2-digit number.

Textbook Reference Activity 1 Textbook Reference Activity 1

132 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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