Page 154 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 154
118_G4U10_TG_CA 2014.4.21 12:47 PM ˘ ` 137

10Understand, Identify, and Draw Different Types of Quadrilaterals Unit

Unit Planner

Pacing Activity Title Objective Materials

Lead-In Transformations Learn about and understand trapezoids and Colored Pencils,
of Quadrilaterals their properties. Trapezoid Sheet

[A2], Scissors

1 day

Activity 1 Parallelograms Learn about and understand parallelograms Anglegs,
and their properties. Parallelogram

Sheet [A3],

1 day Anglegs,
Rectangle Sheet
Activity 2 Rhombus Learn about and understand rhombuses and
their properties. [A4], Scissors

This unit plan is just an example of how the unit can be taught. Teachers can alter the unit plan according to students’ needs and

ESL Vocabulary


Math Vocabulary trapezoid parallelogram rhombus

parallel lines 4A Unit 10 137
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