Page 159 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 159
118_G4U10_TG_CA 2014.4.21 12:47 PM ˘ ` 142

Activity 1

4. Students can confirm that opposite angles are 4 . The parallelograms are cut and overlapped.
equal and opposite sides are the same in
parallelograms by cutting and overlapping the What you need: Parallelogram Sheets (A3), Scissors
parallelogram sheets [A3].
Discuss what you found.
After cutting the diagonal on the parallelogram,
overlap the two pieces to see if they align When the parallelograms are cut and overlapped, the two parts match exactly.
perfectly. Therefore, the 2 parts are congruent.
Complete the same steps after cutting the
other diagonal on the parallelogram.
When the two pieces are overlapped, the pieces
align perfectly. This shows that the angles and
length of the sides are the same.

5. Have students find the missing measures.
First, have them find the opposite angle of the
missing angle.

3 cm 65 Ø 5 . The figures below are parallelograms. Fill in the blanks.

50Ø 4 cm

50 Ø 4 cm a. b.

3 cm 65Ø 3 cm 65 Ø

50Ø 4 cm

Parallelograms have equal opposite angles 50 Ø 4 cm
and equal opposite sides. Students can use
this to find the missing measures. 3 cm 65Ø


Problem: Draw a line to show what part can be cut off of the trapezoids to make a parallelogram.

Example: 1. 2.

Answer: 1. 2.

or or

Solution: Draw a line so that there are two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel.

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