Page 155 - NUMINO TG_4A
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118_G4U10_TG_CA 2014.4.21 12:47 PM ˘ ` 138

10Unit Transformations of Quadrilaterals

jOb ective Learn about and understand trapezoids and their properties.

tMa erial Colored Pencils, Trapezoid Sheet [A2], Scissors

1. Textbook Instructions UNIT

10 Transformations of Quadrilaterals

In this unit, the students will learn about There are dif ferent types of quadrilaterals. Draw parallel lines with the
different types of quadrilaterals (rectangle, same color to complete the quadrilaterals.
square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus)
and their properties. When categorizing What you need: Colored Pencils
quadrilaterals, the number of pairs of parallel
lines is an important factor. Show students Parallel lines are lines that are
what parallel lines are and have them mark the same distance apart.
each pair of parallel lines with the same color in Parallel lines do not meet.
the given figures.

Refer to .

There are 9 shapes. What is a common AB C
characteristic of all the shapes?
Each shape has 4 sides and 4 angles. DE F
What is the name of the shapes?
Quadrilateral. HI
Lines that are the same distance apart at G
any point are called parallel lines. Find the
parallel lines in each shape. How many Remind students that trapezoids only have one pair of parallel lines.
pairs of parallel lines does shape A have? 82
1 pair.
How many pairs does shape B have?
2 pairs.
How many pairs does shape C have? 1 pair.
How many pairs does shape D have? None.
How many pairs does shape E have?
2 pairs.
How many pairs does shape F have? None.
How many pairs does shape G have? 1 pair.
How many pairs does shape H have? 1 pair.
How many pairs does shape I have? 2 pairs.

2. Build Understanding

Line Relationships Intersecting lines Perpendicular lines
Lines that cross each other at Lines that intersect to form
Parallel lines exactly one point. four right angles.
Lines in the same plane that
never intersect and are always
the same distance apart.

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