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10Transformations of Quadrilaterals Unit

CMath Vo abulary parallel lines: lines in the same plane that never intersect and are always the same distance apart

trapezoid: a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides

Objective: Learn about different types of quadrilaterals and their properties. Students will learn about trapezoids. First
have the students find all the quadrilaterals
Find all the trapezoids from the previous page. from the previous page that have exactly one
pair of parallel sides.
A quadrilateral with exactly
1 pair of parallel sides is called Quadrilateral A, C, G, H
a trapezoid. Show the students that quadrilaterals that
have one pair of parallel sides, like the ones
A, C, G, H they found on the previous page, are called

A rectangular piece of paper is cut to make dif ferent trapezoids. Have the students cut a rectangular piece of
paper (Trapezoid Sheet [A2]) in different ways
What you need: Trapezoid Sheet (A2), Scissors and find the characteristics of each shape.

Chat Have the students discuss if each shape that
Are all the shapes trapezoids? Explain why you think so. was cut out is a trapezoid. Explain to the
students that since the top side and bottom
Yes, all the shapes are trapezoids. The top and bottom lines are parallel, and none of the side of each shape are parallel, they are all
lines made from cutting is parallel. So, each shape made only has one pair of parallel lines. trapezoids.

10. Transformations of Quadrilaterals 83

Why we learn about quadrilaterals
Buildings and objects in our everyday life are a variety of shapes. These buildings and objects have patterns
and designs that use basic shapes. This unit reviews one of the more popular shapes, quadrilaterals, and
introduces properties of different quadrilaterals. Learning the properties of the trapezoid, parallelogram, and
rhombus will help students in identifying the properties of more complex figures. Students can practice
identifying quadrilaterals by looking for them in the classroom, outside, or any place they come across.

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