Page 171 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 171
Activity 1 Group Quadrilaterals

jOb ective Group the same type of quadrilaterals.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 1 Group Quadrilaterals

Students will review different types of 1 . There are different types of quadrilaterals. Draw circles with dif ferent
quadrilaterals by grouping the same types
together. colors to group the quadrilaterals.

What you need: Colored Pencils

trapezoid , parallelogram , rhombus ,

(R) (B) (P) (Y)

rectangle , square

1. Have the students look at the 13 quadrilaterals (G)
and place a red circle if it is a trapezoid, a blue
circle if it is a parallelogram, a yellow circle if it is a B, Y,
rhombus, a green circle if it is a rectangle, and a G, P
purple circle for a square. One figure can have
more than one colored circle.

Students may think that each quadrilateral can R B, G R
only be part of one group. Have the students R B B, G
identify all of the groups that each quadrilateral
belongs in. B
B, Y, G, P
Have the students recall all of the characteristics

of each type of quadrilateral to complete this


Refer to .


2. Build Understanding

Grouping Quadrilaterals

One pair of parallel sides. Two pairs of parallel sides.
Trapezoid Opposite sides are equal.
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