Page 173 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 173
Activity 2 Classify Quadrilaterals

jOb ective Classify quadrilaterals.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 2 Classify Quadrilaterals

Students will explore the relationships between 1 . The Venn diagram shows the relationships between quadrilaterals.
quadrilaterals and classify types of quadrilaterals.
Write the name of the quadrilaterals in each box.


1. Show students how to use a Venn diagram

and then have them write the correct name of a . Trapezoid b . Parallelogram

each category.

Refer to .

1a. The quadrilaterals in box a have one pair of c . Rectangle Rhombus
parallel sides, so they are trapezoids.
1b. The quadrilaterals in box b have two pairs of
parallel sides and opposite sides that are Square
equal. These are parallelograms.
Red figures Quadrilaterals
1c. The quadrilaterals in circle c are
parallelograms that have 4 right angles. These You can use Venn diagrams
are rectangles. to sort information.
A Venn diagram shows relationships
1d. The purple figures are rhombuses that have among sets of things.
4 right angles. These are squares.
Have the students look at the Venn diagram.
What types of quadrilaterals are there?
Trapezoids, parallelograms, rectangles,
rhombuses, and squares.
What types of quadrilaterals are
parallelograms? Rectangles, rhombuses,
What types of quadrilaterals belong in both
the rectangle and rhombus group? Squares.

2. Build Understanding

Venn diagram

A diagram that uses circles to display elements of different sets. Overlapping circles show common

Example: Classify the following figures as red figures or quadrilaterals.

There are two groups: red figures and quadrilaterals. Draw Red figures Quadrilaterals
two circles that intersect and write the group names.

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